Where did nutleyone go?

Let’s face it, nutleyone was never the most active in the world, but served as a basis for me to show off some of my interests and just write about things I wanted to write about. So why did I stop posting?

Part of it would be the fact that I lost interest and got involved with other things. Of course I did. I successfully helped set up ESC Fan TV in 2018, and as a Vlog we have gone from strength to strength. It was and continues to be a great way to harness my enthusiasm for Eurovision – but I’m going to post some stuff on here too for you all to look at as well!

A darker reason behind stopping posting is mental health. In the years since I launched this, I have had more than my fair share of battles with my mental health. I had the misfortune to make ‘friends’ with someone who told me their heart sank when they heard I’d started writing a blog because I had no qualifications to do it. At the time I was in a place where maybe I took it too much to heart. So how do we end up back here?

The site has some people may know has never disappeared. I’ve always done some stuff for it to maintain it in the background. The latest email however from my hosting company suggested I needed to upgrade the site because the theme had become out of date. As a result, I’ve ended up having to give the site a facelift – and off the back of that… well here we are! As always it’s going to be a random collection of material – old and new… let’s see where this goes 🙂